Bible Study Fellowship Santa Barbara
Color Palette
Cohesive with the BSF colors with white, gray + gold.
Font pairing and contrast create balance and harmony
Keeping the grid simple with the same colors + repeating 3 themed posts.
Application for Instagram
Instagram Handle (click for link)
Password - grace123
Post x2 per week: Friday - Hold Fast or Take to Heart, Monday - Apply it (Image)
Hold Fast - Scripture - found in the notes under "Focus". Post on Friday (most engagement with quotes/scriptures)
Apply it (Image) - Question or Announcement - found in the "Apply It" section in the notes on the last page. Post on Mon as motivation.
Take to Heart - Quote from "Engage" section in the notes on the first page. Post on Friday. Select quotes that correlate, are short and can also be read out of context to someone who may have not read the study/notes to reach people outside of BSF on social media.
Update Events to reach more people such All Class Fellowship etc.
Can be a great tool for women to see Calendar of events